We are available by phone for your inquiries Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 7 pm.

Employee Shuttle

Corporate Transportation Services - Perfect connection with your own timetable.

Are you planning to make your employees' commute to work more comfortable and safer with an Employee Shuttle? We take care of all tasks related to employee shuttles and corporate transport, from consulting to planning and execution.


Detached from the public transport system, we develop your shuttle completely individually according to your requirements and possibilities.


Our proven hygiene concept, combined with state-of-the-art coaches, gets your employees safely to the workplace.


24/7 availability and on time to the minute, that is a matter of course for us. Reliability and best price-performance ratio, we guarantee!

A lot of advantages and flexibility - This offers an employee shuttle from Hanse Mondial

Individually, without being tied to public transport.

Together we develop individual mobility concepts for your company. 

Modern busses take your employees comfortably, stress-free and time-saving to their workplace and back to the agreed collection points at the end of the working day. We determine these collection points depending on local conditions and your specific needs. Together we set up different departure times depending on the times at which your employees start work or their shifts. We guarantee to plan in such a way that your employees will always arrive on time, while remaining independent of local public transport or ownership of their own vehicle. An employee shuttle is also advantageous at sprawling or decentralized locations, where for example we can set up multiple stops for disembarking and boarding.

Anna Merten

Your personal contact

Anna is our expert in the field of employee shuttle and company mobility.

For questions and the preparation of an individual offer Anna is available to you with advice and support.

Employee Shuttle

Benefit as a company from reliable employee mobility

Your advantages with us as an experienced partner for the set-up and execution of an employee shuttle are first and foremost our first-class service and the large network of partner companies. This enables us to react quickly and efficiently to any of your requests.
Our service includes, among other things, the fact that we are available for you 24/7. In addition, you have a permanent contact person in our company for all questions, requests and feedback. We offer efficient schedules for groups of people of any size.

Your Advantages at a Glance

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Modern buses for the employee shuttle

For the safety and comfort of your employees, we use modern vehicles for all shuttle services. The busses within our partner network meet all safety standards, are driven by experienced bus drivers and have comfortable seating. So your employees arrive relaxed at their workplace and can enjoy a relaxing and comfortable ride home after work.

We cooperate with a Europe-wide network of different bus companies and can therefore organize an employee shuttle in any part of the country on your behalf. The transportation of a large number of people is no problem for us. We set up the required logistics within a short period of time and in close consultation with you. Of course, it is also possible at any time to adapt the shuttle service for your employees to any change in demand. This can be the case, for example, in the event of changes in working hours, temporary short-time work or a change in production.

Feel free to contact us with your specific request. Our experienced staff will inform you about our offers for employee shuttle and company transport. You will receive a free, non-binding offer from us within a short time.


Bus Logistics

Our experienced team is always at your disposal!

Everything from a single source: from planning, coordination and the realization of your employee shuttle to invoicing.

Our experienced professionals work with you and our network of over 1,000 partner companies to design the perfect mobility concept.

Get in touch with us!


FAQ employee shuttle

Jede Anfrage ist kostenlos. Selbst für die Erstellung von komplexen Angeboten fallen für Dich keine Kosten an. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Anfrage, um gemeinsam eine Erstbetrachtung vorzunehmen.

In der Regel erhältst du innerhalb von 48 Std. ein ausführliches Angebot von uns per Mail. Dies hängt jedoch auch stark davon ab, wie komplex Deine Anfrage ist und wie weit Du bereits in der Vorplanung bist. Vorab ist es jedoch wichtig, dass wir möglichst viele Informationen rund um Deine Anforderungen von Dir erhalten. Daher sollten wir im Vorfelde der Angebotserstellung idealerweise persönlich sprechen, zögere nicht unser Team zu kontaktieren!

Unser Team nimmt Deine Änderungswünsche jederzeit per E-Mail oder telefonisch entgegen und reagiert umgehend mit neuen Lösungen – egal ob in der Angebotsphase oder während der gebuchten Durchführung einer Tour. Du erhältst in jedem Fall immer kurzfristig eine Rückmeldung und eine bestmögliche Umsetzung Deiner Wünsche.

Wir von Hanse Mondial planen für Dich und Deine Belegschaft immer die passende Busgröße, ganz nach Deinen Ansprüchen und Wünschen.

Bei einem Mitarbeiter-Shuttle können daher alle Bustypen zum Einsetzen kommen. Vom Minivan mit 3-8 Sitzplätze über einen Kleinbus mit 10-19 Sitzplätze, einem Midibus mit 20-30 Sitzplätze bishin zum Reisebus mit 33-58 Sitzplätze oder Doppeldecker, der über bis zu 80 Sitzplätze verfügt.

Für ein Angebot werden folgende Informationen zu der Anzahl der Mitarbeiter, dem Zeitraum der Shuttle, Art der Fahrzeuge und der Routenplanung benötigt. Eine vollständige Checkliste und vieles mehr findest Du in unserem Whitepaper für Employee Shuttle?.

Durch flexible Busgrößen kann ein MA-Shuttle schon ab 5 Personen eingerichtet werden. Sobald eine Anzahl von Mitarbeitern einen gemeinsamen Transportbedarf hat, kann ein Mitarbeiter-Shuttle eine effiziente und kostengünstige Lösung sein. Es ist immer ratsam, eine Bedarfsanalyse durchzuführen. Unser engagiertes Team ist immer für Dich da und unterstützt Dich gerne dabei. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Anfrage! 

In principle, our terms and conditions apply to cancellations. However, we strive to accommodate you as best as possible. We treat each order individually so that the costs are as low as possible for you as a customer. This is also the case if there is a renewed lockdown in individual regions or countries and a trip with the coach is no longer possible.

With Hanse Mondial you always have only one contact person, who requests everything for you individually, brings it together and handles the entire order processing from one source. And because we are available for you 24/7, we respond immediately to questions, necessary changes, etc., even during your trip. We check all capacities in our nationwide network. Then we hire exactly the bus with driver or the individual vehicle fleet including drivers and chauffeurs for you that perfectly fits your requirements. If you wish, we can also take care of booking and organizing catering, services and extra staff. This saves you many individual inquiries and price negotiations. In addition, we know each of our partners exactly and can therefore always and for every booking vouch for safety, quality and reliability.

There are no hidden costs at Hanse Mondial. The preparation of an individual offer is always free of charge for you. You only pay for the services communication and handling, if you decide to book. In addition, within our large partner network, we guarantee you fair and market-typical prices at an optimal price-performance ratio 365 days a year.

Pauschal kann man sagen, dass Ihr Bus 75 km/h auf der Autobahn oder ähnlichen Strecken zurücklegen kann. Zu dieser schnellsten Fahrtzeit addieren sich natürlich langsamere Fahrten zu und von der Autobahn sowie eventuelle Pausenzeiten der Fahrer. Stadtfahrten können sich erfahrungsgemäß immer verlängern und müssen je nach Verkehrslage individuell bewertet werden. Wir planen die Fahrten aber immer so, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter pünktlich am Ziel sind.

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0800 855 989 0

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Spaldingstraße 68, 20097 Hamburg

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